Command Args

An Arg provides a value to its corresponding parameter of a HandlerMethod. The number of Args in a HandlerMethod must be equal to its number of parameters. An Arg may extract its value from the arguments given when the command is run, or it may get its value from another source.


Extracts the CommandSender. If its corresponding parameter has the type Player it will do an instance-of check automatically. Otherwise the type of the parameter must be CommandSender.

sender() does not take any arguments.


Extracts a Player using the name provided by a command argument.

bool $exact = false,
  • exact - whether to not match by prefix


Extracts one or more strings from the command arguments. Depending on the parameters given to this Arg, the corresponding parameter must have a type of string, ?string, or array.

int $count = 1,
bool $require = true,
  • count - number of arguments to take
  • require - wether to fail if the number of arguments remaining is less than count


Extracts the remaining strings from the command arguments.

remaining() does not take any arguments.


Extracts a string that must be in an immutable set of predefined strings.

string $name,
string $choice,
string ...$otherChoices,
  • name - the enum's name, in-game it will show as a command hint (i. e. <paramName: name>)
  • choice - A possible choice
  • otherChoices - Other possible choices


Extracts a true / false boolean. Valid command arguments for both choices are:

  • true: "true", "on", and "yes"
  • false: "false", "off", and "no"

bool_arg() does not take any arguments.


Extracts an integer.

int_arg() does not take any arguments.


Extracts a float.

float_arg() does not take any arguments.


Extracts either a Vector3 or RelativeVector3 depending on the type of it's corresponding parameter.

If your parameter has the type RelativeVector3, you can then call $relativeVector->relativeTo($vector) to get a real Vector3.

vector_arg() does not take any arguments.


Extracts a string WITHOUT validating that it's proper json. This is more of a marker, telling the player's client that JSON is needed. You MUST verify that the JSON is valid, yourself.

json_arg() does not take any arguments.


Extracts a string WITHOUT validating that it's the name of a command. This is more of a marker, telling the player's client that a command name is needed. You MUST verify that the command name is valid, yourself.

command_arg() does not take any arguments.