
Setting up your plugin to use Remark is quite easy!

It's advised that during development DEVirion is used and when the plugin is ready production that this library is either installed by Poggit or installed by hand.

Using DEVirion

DEVirion allows your plugin to use Remark.

  1. Install Remark.phar from this project's Github Releases.
  2. Place Remark.phar into your server's virions folder, which is next to the plugins folder.
  3. If not already downloaded, get DEVirion from Poggit.

Installing with Poggit

Plugins that are built on poggit and use virions should declare there dependencies in .poggit.yml. To use Remark add an entry like this.

    path: ""
      - src: Swift-Strider/Remark/Remark
        version: ^3.3.0
        epitope: .random

Manually Installing into a Plugin Phar

Install Remark.phar from this project's Github Releases.

If you haven't already, build your plugin into a phar file. This example script assumes you're in your plugin's directory and that the files/directories plugin.yml, src, and resources exist. The following works on both Windows 10 (Powershell) and Ubuntu.

wget -O ConsoleScript.php
php -dphar.readonly=0 ConsoleScript.php --make src,resources,plugin.yml --relative . --out plugin.phar

Next you will "infect" your plugin's .phar file, embedding the Remark library inside of your plugin.

php -dphar.readonly=0 Remark.phar plugin.phar