In Depth | Forms

The DiamondStrider1\Remark\Form\Forms class holds static methods for creating forms. They are modal2then(), modal2gen(), menu2then(), menu2gen(), custom2then(), and custom2gen(). The *2gen() methods return generators to be used with await-generator, and the *2then() methods return Thenable a type defined by Remark.


A Thenable is much like a promise. One may call $thenable->then($onResolve, $onReject). If you omit $onReject Remark will throw an UnhandledAsyncException if the Thenable is rejected.

Modal Form

Use either Forms::modal2then() or Forms::modal2gen(). Resolves with a boolean, true if the yes button was hit, false if the no button was.

Player $player,
string $title,
string $content,
string $yesText = 'gui.yes',
string $noText = '',

Menu Form

Use either Forms::menu2then() or Forms::menu2gen(). Resolves with an integer, the index of the button the player chose.

Player $player,
string $title,
string $content,
array $buttons,
  • buttons - A list of MenuFormButtons

A button for a menu form.

string $text,
?MenuFormImage $image = null,
  • text - The text of the button
  • image - An optional image to display

An image that can be to present on a menu form.

string $type,
string $location,
  • type - Either 'url' or 'path'.
  • location - The location of the image

If the image's type is url, Minecraft will fetch the image from online, and it may take some time to load. If the type is path, Minecraft will instantly load the image from the resource pack.

On Minecraft Windows 10, url images may not show until ALT-TAB'ing out of then back into Minecraft.

An example location of a path type image is "textures/block/dirt.png" without the leading slash.

Custom Form

You may use Forms::custom2then()/Forms::custom2gen() or CustomFormResultTrait.

Custom Form, static functions

Returns an array with the indexes of elements mapped to the values of the player's response.

Player $player,
string $title,
array $elements,
  • elements - A list of CustomFormElements

Custom Form, CustomFormResultTrait

A class that uses this trait will have the static methods custom2gen() and custom2then() added which return a new instance of the class instead of an array.

A class using CustomFormResultTrait must meet the following requirements:

  • Must not be abstract
  • Every property to be filled in...
    • May be marked with any number of Label attributes
    • Must be marked with at most one CustomFormElement that isn't Label

Properties are filled in according to the non-Label attribute attached to them, or ignored if only Labels are attached to them.

All properties without CustomFormElement attributes are ignored.