In Depth | Commands

Remark::command() is used to bind the HandlerMethods of an object to a CommandMap. By default, Remark::command() uses the CommandMap attached to the running PocketMine Server. Under-the-hood, a new BoundCommand is made for every CmdConfig, and they implement PluginOwned returning the plugin passed to Remark::command().

Remark::activate() registers a listener which will add TAB-completion for players.


Configures the commands of a handler object.

string $name,
string $description,
array $aliases = [],
?string $permission = null,
  • name - The name of the underlying command
  • description - The description of the command
  • aliases - The aliases of the command
  • permission - If set, one or more permissions separated by ;


Marks a method as a handler for a command. You may bind a HandlerMethod to multiple commands by repeating this attribute.

string $name,
string ...$subNames,
  • name - The name of the command to attach this HandlerMethod to
  • subNames - Zero or more subcommand names