Custom Form Elements

Dropdown, Input, Label, Slider, StepSlider, and Toggle are found in the DiamondStrider1\Remark\Forms\CustomFormElement namespace and all implement CustomFormElement. They may be used as normal classes (new Label('Some Text')) or as attributes (#[Label('Some Text')]).

Information on creating custom forms can be found here.

Returns an integer which is the index of the choice the player selected.

string $text,
array $options,
int $defaultOption = 0,
bool $allowDefault = true,
  • allowDefault - whether the player may skip filling out a dropdown when the Dropdown's default value is -1


Returns a string that the player entered.

string $text,
string $placeholder = '',
string $default = '',


Does not return anything, but it does place text at its location.

string $text


Returns a float in within the range [min, max]. It DOES NOT validate the step, however, so that responsibility is left to the developer.

string $text,
float $min,
float $max,
float $step = 1.0,
?float $default = null,


Returns an integer, the index of the step the player chose. Visually, looks like a Slider but the player chooses one of the steps.

string $text,
array $steps,
int $defaultOption = 0,
  • steps - list of strings to choose from


Returns a boolean. Creates a switch that the player can toggle.

string $text,
bool $default = false,